Helpful Links


The pain of surviving the suicide of a loved one is devastating and debilitating.

A loss by suicide is like no other pain. Lack of education, as well as deep fear and shame, can further hurt and isolate suicide survivors who need help. We strongly recommend survivors of suicide get support from a skilled, nurturing person or group that deals specifically with suicide grief. For that person that just cannot get out the door, or is not comfortable in "the circle," there are many cyber networks and helpful websites. This list is by no means complete. Anyone who wishes to share a resource or link to help others understand and cope with the epidemic of suicide is encouraged to forward information to: [email protected].

We, who loved Tom Leonard, encourage all to seek and to contribute to education about suicide. We hope everyone will try to diminish the terrible stigma of suicide and related mental health disease at every level, even on the casual conversational level. The stigma of suicide prevents so many from seeking help.

The Leonard Family

For Tom Leonard, and all who loved him, and for all who have died by suicide, and their loved ones: Let your voice be heard. Please take a moment to petition congress to allocate money to address, educate, and prevent death by suicide. Suicide is a serious public health problem killing more people every year than kidney disease or AIDS. For every homicide, there are two suicides.


Exciting News: National Suicide Crisis Hot Line Coming, Week of July 16, 2007

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is establishing a 24-hour, national suicide prevention hotline beginning Aug. 31, 2007, that will be based at the Canandaigua VA Medical Center in New York state. The hotline will operate seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Mental health services are provided at each of VA's 153 medical centers and more than 900 outpatient clinics. VA's Canandaigua facility is a VA center of excellence focused on suicide prevention, mental health education, and research. We will keep an update on this telephone number. Thank you to all who have taken action and contacted your congressman/woman.

Helpful Books
"My Uncle Keith Died" by Carol Ann Loehr with Julianne Cosentino, Author of Discussion Guide; Illustrated by James Mojonnier. A rare children's book that deals with the difficult situation of telling a child about suicide. Carol helps to explain, in simple language, the causes and treatment of depression. It also helps children understand why a depressed person may not seek help. By reading Cody's questions and his mother's answers about his uncle's death, young readers will learn what to do if someone they know shows signs of depression. The book can be ordered from Trafford publishers at
Author's Interview: Kittery suicide survivor educates children on depression

"Remembering Garrett" by United States Senator Gordon H. Smith. The Senator's son, Garrett, suffered from learning disabilities and clinical depression most of his life and at the age of twenty-two, he took his own life. This is how they dealt with Garrett's depression and the sadness they faced after Garrett's death. The senator discusses his battle in politics to have the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act passed. This Act increases federal funding to combat the ever-growing problem of youth suicide. Thanks to Carol Lohr for sending the information about this book.

"Night Falls Fast: an Understanding of Suicide" by Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison.

"Autopsy of a Suicidal Mind" by Edwin S. Shneidman. Forward by Judy Collins who lost a child by suicide.

Helpful Sites - Trying to Understand - for Survivors of Suicide

The Gift of Keith A website for suicide survivors created by Carol Loehr in memory of her son Keith. This site is STRONGLY recommended for online survivor support. Carol truly takes good care of her "cyber list" buddies and all have been a great source of strength and support. When Tom died, I contacted Carol. She answered my email that same day. Friends and Families of Suicide web page and cyber group. A wonderful, caring network of support. A very diverse group, this site represents people of all ages from all over the world. Posted are many personal stories, as well as some practical questions about bipolar disease, autopsies, etc... as well as venting of emotions and feelings. Coping strategies are shared. The group actively posts comments which are emailed to members if they wish. This week, I received >50 emails from members of the group with questions, stories, and some haunting and beautiful poetry. Just receiving and reading all of this material helps one know they are not alone in the pain of being a suicide survivor. A Faith-Based Perspective on Suicide, hosted by Judy Collins.
"We also want to introduce you to Protestant, Catholic, Jewish, and Greek Orthodox theologians, and scholars and people working in the mental health field, who provided insights as we developed the documentary." A website dedicated to supporting people who have lost a sibling to suicide. An extensive web site with suicide information along with help for suicide survivors. The "What's New" page is timely and informative. Parents of Suicides Memorial Site Suicide Memorial Wall Suicide Discussion Board Suicide Reference Library We Remember Them Memorial Wall Grieving Parents Memorial Site

Helpful People - Silent Unity Prayer Line - (800) 669-7729
A live person, 24/7, (in the middle of the night) will answer your call and listen to your story, concerns, and problems.
